/* dwValidData flags. These indicate which fields in DMUS_AUDIOPARAMS have been filled in. If fInitNow is set, these also return what was allocated. */
#define DMUS_AUDIOPARAMS_VOICES 0x00000002
/* DMUS_PMSGF_FLAGS fill the DMUS_PMSG's dwFlags member */
typedef enum enumDMUS_PMSGF_FLAGS
DMUS_PMSGF_REFTIME = 1, /* if rtTime is valid */
DMUS_PMSGF_MUSICTIME = 2, /* if mtTime is valid */
DMUS_PMSGF_TOOL_IMMEDIATE = 4, /* if PMSG should be processed immediately */
DMUS_PMSGF_TOOL_QUEUE = 8, /* if PMSG should be processed a little early, at Queue time */
DMUS_PMSGF_TOOL_ATTIME = 0x10, /* if PMSG should be processed at the time stamp */
DMUS_PMSGF_TOOL_FLUSH = 0x20, /* if PMSG is being flushed */
DMUS_PMSGF_LOCKTOREFTIME = 0x40, /* if rtTime can not be overriden by a tempo change. */
DMUS_PMSGF_DX8 = 0x80 /* if the message has DX8 or later extensions. */
/* The values of DMUS_TIME_RESOLVE_FLAGS may also be used inside the */
/* DMUS_PMSG's dwFlags member. */
/* DMUS_PMSGT_TYPES fill the DMUS_PMSG's dwType member */
DMUS_SEGF_QUEUE = 1<<8, /* 0x100 Queue at the end of the primary segment queue (primary only) */
DMUS_SEGF_CONTROL = 1<<9, /* 0x200 Play as a control track (secondary segments only) */
DMUS_SEGF_AFTERPREPARETIME = 1<<10, /* 0x400 Play after the prepare time (See IDirectMusicPerformance::GetPrepareTime) */
DMUS_SEGF_GRID = 1<<11, /* 0x800 Play on grid boundary */
DMUS_SEGF_BEAT = 1<<12, /* 0x1000 Play on beat boundary */
DMUS_SEGF_MEASURE = 1<<13, /* 0x2000 Play on measure boundary */
DMUS_SEGF_DEFAULT = 1<<14, /* 0x4000 Use segment's default boundary */
DMUS_SEGF_NOINVALIDATE = 1<<15, /* 0x8000 Play without invalidating the currently playing segment(s) */
DMUS_SEGF_ALIGN = 1<<16, /* 0x10000 Align segment with requested boundary, but switch at first valid point */
DMUS_SEGF_VALID_START_BEAT = 1<<17, /* 0x20000 In conjunction with DMUS_SEGF_ALIGN, allows the switch to occur on any beat. */
DMUS_SEGF_VALID_START_GRID = 1<<18, /* 0x40000 In conjunction with DMUS_SEGF_ALIGN, allows the switch to occur on any grid. */
DMUS_SEGF_VALID_START_TICK = 1<<19, /* 0x80000 In conjunction with DMUS_SEGF_ALIGN, allows the switch to occur any time. */
DMUS_SEGF_AUTOTRANSITION = 1<<20, /* 0x100000 Compose and play a transition segment, using either the transition template or transition embedded in song. */
DMUS_SEGF_AFTERQUEUETIME = 1<<21, /* 0x200000 Make sure to play after the queue time. This is default for primary segments */
DMUS_SEGF_AFTERLATENCYTIME = 1<<22, /* 0x400000 Make sure to play after the latency time. This is true for all segments, so this is a nop */
DMUS_SEGF_SEGMENTEND = 1<<23, /* 0x800000 Play at the next end of segment. */
DMUS_SEGF_MARKER = 1<<24, /* 0x1000000 Play at next marker in the primary segment. If there are no markers, default to any other resolution requests. */
DMUS_SEGF_TIMESIG_ALWAYS = 1<<25, /* 0x2000000 Even if there is no primary segment, align start time with current time signature. */
DMUS_SEGF_USE_AUDIOPATH = 1<<26, /* 0x4000000 Uses the audio path that is embedded in the segment or song. */
DMUS_SEGF_VALID_START_MEASURE = 1<<27, /* 0x8000000 In conjunction with DMUS_SEGF_ALIGN, allows the switch to occur on any bar. */
DMUS_SEGF_INVALIDATE_PRI = 1<<28 /* 0x10000000 invalidate only the current primary seg state */
#define DMUS_SEG_REPEAT_INFINITE 0xFFFFFFFF /* For IDirectMusicSegment::SetRepeat*/
#define DMUS_SEG_ALLTRACKS 0x80000000 /* For IDirectMusicSegment::SetParam() and SetTrackConfig() - selects all tracks instead on nth index. */
#define DMUS_SEG_ANYTRACK 0x80000000 /* For IDirectMusicSegment::GetParam() - checks each track until it finds one that returns data (not DMUS_E_NOT_FOUND.) */
/* DMUS_TIME_RESOLVE_FLAGS correspond to IDirectMusicPerformance::GetResolvedTime, and can */
/* also be used interchangeably with the corresponding DMUS_SEGF_FLAGS, since their values */
#define DMUS_OBJ_FULLPATH (1 << 5) /* Path is full path. */
#define DMUS_OBJ_URL (1 << 6) /* Path is URL. */
#define DMUS_OBJ_VERSION (1 << 7) /* Version is valid. */
#define DMUS_OBJ_DATE (1 << 8) /* Date is valid. */
#define DMUS_OBJ_LOADED (1 << 9) /* Object is currently loaded in memory. */
#define DMUS_OBJ_MEMORY (1 << 10) /* Object is pointed to by pbMemData. */
#define DMUS_OBJ_STREAM (1 << 11) /* Object is stored in pStream. */
/* The DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO structure describes an error that occurred in a script.
It is returned by methods in IDirectMusicScript. */
DWORD dwSize; /* Size of this structure. */
ULONG ulLineNumber;
LONG ichCharPosition;
WCHAR wszSourceComponent[DMUS_MAX_FILENAME];
/* Track configuration flags, used with IDirectMusicSegment8::SetTrackConfig() */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_OVERRIDE_ALL 1 /* This track should get parameters from this segment before controlling and primary tracks. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_OVERRIDE_PRIMARY 2 /* This track should get parameters from this segment before the primary segment tracks. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_FALLBACK 4 /* This track should get parameters from this segment if the primary and controlling segments don't succeed. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_CONTROL_ENABLED 8 /* GetParam() enabled for this track. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_PLAY_ENABLED 0x10 /* Play() enabled for this track. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED 0x20 /* Notifications enabled for this track. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_PLAY_CLOCKTIME 0x40 /* This track plays in clock time, not music time. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_PLAY_COMPOSE 0x80 /* This track should regenerate data each time it starts playing. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_LOOP_COMPOSE 0x100 /* This track should regenerate data each time it repeats. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_COMPOSING 0x200 /* This track is used to compose other tracks. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_CONTROL_PLAY 0x10000 /* This track, when played in a controlling segment, overrides playback of primary segment tracks. */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_CONTROL_NOTIFICATION 0x20000 /* This track, when played in a controlling segment, overrides notification of primary segment tracks. */
/* Additional track config flags for composing transitions */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_TRANS1_FROMSEGSTART 0x400 /* Get track info from start of From segment */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_TRANS1_FROMSEGCURRENT 0x800 /* Get track info from current place in From segment */
#define DMUS_TRACKCONFIG_TRANS1_TOSEGSTART 0x1000 /* Get track info from start of To segment */
MUSIC_TIME mtTimePhysical; /* Note: If this is a clock-time track, then this field is interpreted in the track's internal time format, which is the number of milliseconds after the beginning of playback. */
IDirectMusicBand *pBand;
/* Obsolete -- doesn't distinguish physical and logical time. Use GUID_BandParam instead. */